Your vagina has a nice balance of healthy normal bacteria in an acidic pH environment. Sometimes this balance can be disrupted leading to infections such as bacterial vaginosis or candidiasis (yeast infection). Many women who suffer from recurrences result in 3-4 infections a year . We can help you with a treatment plan to eliminate the recurrences and vaginal and vulvar hygiene plan that will improve your quality of life Yeast Infections/Bacterial Vaginosis and STIs Vaginal discharge is a leading complaint by women visiting their gynecologist. Whether it is foul smelling discharge, vaginal burning or changes in the color of your discharge characteristic of bacterial vaginosis OR itching, burning, urinary burning , and white thick discharge characteristic of yeast infections or vulvovaginal candidiasis, we will help you with the correct diagnosis and treatment. We can also screen you for asymptomatic sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea and chlamydia which are on the rise.