Mon - Thur 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Fri 8:00AM - 3:30PM

Two Saturdays a month 9:00AM-12:00PM

(312) 574 - 3434

312 N May Street, Suite 110

Chicago, IL 60607

Blog Masonry

CGC Chicago  >  Blog Masonry

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

It’s Sexual Health Awareness Month and I need to get a few tidbits out to my patients and viewers to raise awareness of some of the most common issues of female sexual dysfunction people with vaginas face!!!!   Let’s talk about getting our groove back (sorry, I...

PCOS header

Brown Girls and PCOS

I’ve mentioned before, I am the daughter of South Asian (includes Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka,Maldives, Bhutan and Bangladesh) immigrants and practice in downtown Chicago. I proudly treat all races, religions and ethnicities. We all know representation matters and so does cultural sensitivity. Much of...

Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause and Effective Treatments

Vaginal Atrophy- In the best sense the word "atrophy" means to waste away.  In our worst connotation it means to shrivel, deteriorate or become a vestigial during evolution. Dear Lord, is this what we want to think of the vagina for almost half the women...


Menopause Symptoms and Depression Awareness

Today I want to  discuss an important topic that many of my patients face or will inevitably face in their lifetime- Menopause. Brace yourself, because Menopause is coming! When I used to think about menopause, I thought about old age, sagging skin, dryness, and generally emotional time...